Back Rack Weighted Step-ups:
3-5 x 8, each leg
-Box height should be to right above knee. May use plates to adjust. (Doesn’t have to be perfect)
-Do the 8 reps on one leg before switching to the other (not alternating)
-Perform the step-up without assistance from the off leg, This means using it to “jump” up, or sneaking it onto the box to assist with standing up.

For time:
800m Run (or 1k Row)
5 x
16 Goblet Squats @ 70/53
4 Wall Walks
80 Wallballs @ 20/14
AMRAP 20 of:
100m Run
1 x (8 Goblet Squats + 8 Plank Up Downs)
100m Run
2 x (8 Goblet Squats + 8 Plank Up Downs)
100m Run
3 x (8 Goblet Squats + 8 Plank Up Downs)
*Continue adding one round to the squat/plank up-down combo, until the 20 minutes is up
-20 Minute Cap