Wednesday | May 29th, 2024

Back Squat:
Build to a Heavy 5 for the day
3 x
5 Back Squat @ 80% (of 5RM)
5 Box Jumps AHAP
-If you did this three weeks ago, your goal is to beat that number. A good goal could be to try to hit what you did for your 4RM two weeks ago.
-If you have not been here, work to RPE 9 (avoid failure)

Every 5 Minutes, for 3 rounds:
10 Shuttle Runs (25’ down and back)
20/15 Calorie Row
40 Wallballs @ 20/14
Every 5 Minutes, for 3 rounds:
10 Shuttle Runs (25’ down and back)
15/10 Calorie Row
30 Wallballs @ 20/14
Every 5 Minutes, for 3 rounds:
10 Shuttle Runs (25’ down and back)
15/10 Calorie Row
30 Air Squats
-Perform each round as fast as possible


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