Please be sure to sign into classes. If you are unable to get into a class, do not assume that it is OK to join anyway. Class caps are in place to create an enjoyable and safe experience for those who are participating in the class. Always speak with the coach if you are trying join an already full class. However, keep in mind that they may not be able to accommodate you.
Kipping Review
EMOM 20 of:
Min 1: 150m Run
Min 2: 10 DB Snatch, alt arms*
Min 3: Pull-up Bar**
*Choose weight. If you have the ability, perform squat snatches.
**Pull-up Bar:
-Advanced athletes, the goal is a combo of Bar MUs and T2B equaling 10 reps. That could be 5 Bar MU + 5 T2B or 1 Bar MU + 9 T2B.
-The next level down would be 5-6 T2B Reps working on solid kipping
3-5 x
10 Bentover Rows
15 Reverse Flyes
20 Banded Curls
Kipping Review
EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: 100m Run
Min 2: 10 DB Snatch, alt arms
Min 3: 5-10 Kipping Knee Raise
Same as above