Tuesday | May 16th, 2023

E2MOM x 5 of:
3 Weighted Ring Dips + Max UB Unweighted Ring Dip
*Hold DB between legs, drop DB after the initial 3 and then rep out unweighted until failure
*EMOM 10 of:
3 Ring Dips (OR Matador/P-bar Dips)
*Must remain at 3. May use band.

At 0:00
5 rounds for time of:
6 Devils Press @ 2×50/35
12 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20
*10 Minute Cap
At 15:00
AMRAP 10 of:
12 Push-ups
24 Double Unders


*EMOM 10 of:
3 Matador/P-bar Dips
*Must remain at 3. May use band.
*May also perform dips between two boxes

*Same as RX, but with scaled loads and Single Unders.


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