Tuesday | January 10th, 2023

Strict Pull-ups:
—–IF Max Unbroken Pull-ups is 10 or more—-
10-8-6-4-2 Building in weight every round
—–IF Max Unbroken Pull-ups is between 6-9——
5-4-3-2-1 Building in weight every round
—-IF Max Unbroken Pull-ups less than 6 (this includes 0)—-
EMOM 10 of:
3 Banded Strict Pull-ups

Every 6 Minutes for 5 rounds
15/10 Calorie Ski Erg (:45 Cap)
15 Russian Swings AHAP
15 Box Jump Overs AHAP
150’ Shuttle Run (in 25’ Increments)
150’ Sandbag Carry AHAP (in 50’ Increments)

———Foundations Athletes———

EMOM 10 of:
3 Banded Strict Pull-ups

Same as above. Loading should be very manageable in regards to the KB Swing and Carry.


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