Sunday | December 20th, 2020

Jingle all the way w/ Coach Jamie on this Sunday Funday!

1k Row/2k Bike
3 x
5 Inch Worms + Push-up
10 Prone Angels
10 Scorpions

Strict Press
5-5-3-3-2-2-1-1 Building

3 x
Max Strict Press
*Start at 75% of single, and decrease weight every set
3 x (unbroken sets)
12 Chest Flyes
12 Reverse Flyes
12 Shrugs
Rest 1:00
3 x
15 BB Curls
15 Reverse Curls
15 Tricep Ext
3 x
15 Crunches
15 Leg Lifts
15 V-ups



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