Saturday | October 2nd, 2021

COMMUNITY @ 8am and 9am
In Pairs
AMRAP 5 of:
400m Run Together
Max Hang Power Cleans w/ Remaining time (athletes must switch every 8 reps)
-Rest 1:00-
AMRAP 5 of:
400m Run Together
Max Front Squat w/ Remaining time (athletes must switch every 6 reps)
-Rest 1:00-
AMRAP 5:00 of:
400m Run Together
Max Push Press w/ Remaining time (athletes must switch every 4 reps)
-Rest 1:00-
AMRAP 5 of:
400m Run Together
Max Hang Clusters w/ Remaining time (athletes must switch every 2 reps)
-Rest 1:00-
400m Run Together
Max Synchro Burpees Over Bar w/ Remaining time


Snatch High Pull + Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance (Building)
LIFT 2: (continuing off of LIFT 1)
Snatch High Pull + Snatch (Building)
BTN Snatch Grip Push Press + OHS
5 x (3+1) Starting at 70% of best lift from above


PUMP @ 11am
-6 x 4 @ 5-10# heavier than last week
-4 x 6 Tempo Strict Pull-ups @ 21×2 (use band to maintain tempo)
3 x (to failure*)
BB Preacher Curl
Rest 1:00
OH DB Tricep Ext
Rest 1:00
*If you reach 25 reps, stop and add weight on the next set
*if you do not reach at least 10 reps, lower weight on the next set
2 x
:30 Wrist to Knee Crunch
:30 Side to Side Heel Touch Crunch
:30 Rest
:30 Hanging Knee Tuck
:30 Rest



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