WEIGHTLIFTING @ 8am and 10am
Tall Cleans and Tall Jerks
Clean and Jerk
EMOM 9 of:
Min 1-3: 1 Clean and Jerk @ 70%
Min 4-6: 1 Clean and Jerk @ 75%
Min 7-9: 1 Clean and Jerk @ 80%
9 more minutes continuing to work to a heavy single
3 x 3 Pause Front Squat (3 seconds) @ 60%
3 x 3 Turkish Get-up, each side AHAP
In Pairs:
AMRAP 20 of:
22 Calorie Machine
22 Wallballs
22 KB Swings
22 Box Jumps
22 Burpees
*Share Work
Coaches Choice Abs
THE PUMP @ 11am
——0:00 – 15:00——
5-8 x (basically just keep working for the entire 15:00)
5 Bench Press
5 Chin-ups
——20:00 – 30:00——
AMPAP 10 of:
10 Push-ups (hands on medal if able)
10 OH DB Tricep Ext
10 Bentover KB/KB Rows
10 BB Curls
——35:00 – 40:00——
1:00 Bicycle Crunch
Rest :20
1:00 Wrist to Knee Crunch
Rest :20
1:00 Side to Side Heel Touch Crunch
Rest :20
1:00 Lying Knee Tucks