Saturday | August 21st, 2021

COMMUNITY @ 8am and 9am
800m Run Together
5 rounds (each) of:
12 DB Box Step Overs
16 Push-ups
800m Run Together
5 rounds (each of)
12 DB Squats (2 DBs on shoulders)
16 Box Jump overs
800m Run Together
*For the 5 round portions of the workout, athlete one will be completing one movement, while athlete two is completing the other. They will then switch. You will continue this until both athletes have completed 5 rounds of each movement.

Muscle Snatch + OHS + Snatch Balance
*8 Minutes Building as Heavy as Possible
Snatch Doubles
*12 Minutes to Complete no less than 6 working sets. If you know your 1RM, then you should be working at about 75-80% of this number
5 x 4 Snatch Pull Off Riser @ 5-10# Heavier than your doubles
5 x 3 Snatch Push Press @ 5-10# Heavier than your doubles
*may superset

THE PUMP @ 11am
BENCH PROGRAM: (0:00 – 24:00 for Bench and Pull-ups)
-4 x 8 @ 5-10# heavier than last week
*there will be one more week of 8s, before dropping to 6s
-6 x 4 Strict Pull-up (Add Weight to last week)
-4 x Max UB*, Rest 1:00
ARMSSSSSSS: (25:00 – 40:00)
5 x
AMRAP 1:00 of:
15 Tricep Ext Push-ups (or 10 Plank up downs) + Max Push-ups w/ remaining time
Rest :30
AMRAP 1:00 of:
7 Bottom Half Curls + 7 Top Half Curls + Max Full ROM Curls w/ remaining time
Rest 1:30
2 x
:30 Ab Circles
:30 Ab Circles (Other direction)
1:00 Low Plank Crossbody Knees to Elbow
Rest 1:00


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