Monday | March 27th, 2023

3 Pause Front Squat + 3 Pause Back Squat
*Pause for 1 second in the bottom of each rep
*No Rest between Front and Back Squat. Rack Bar and immediately put on back.
*Build RPE 8 for Front Squat (2 reps left in tank)
*No prescribed number of sets. Build until you find the desired weight. Remember the intended RPE here.

3 x 6 Single Leg Squats, each leg
*Stand on an elevated surface. This way the focus can be on the squatting leg, rather than lifting the other leg. This can be done on as tall of a box as needed to allow completion.
*Pause momentarily in the bottom of each rep
*Hold a DB or KB in the Front Rack Position if able

10:00 of Machine (or Run) of choice @ RPE 7
*Uncomfortable. Constant Effort. Can speak in short sentences


6 Pause Back Squats
*Pause for 1 second in the bottom of each rep
*Build RPE 8 for Front Squat (2 reps left in tank)

3 x 6 Single Leg Step-ups, each leg
*Box at knee height
*Complete all 6 reps on one leg before switching to the other
*Goal is not to allow the other leg to assist you

Same as above



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