Tuesday | November 15th, 2022

Strict Pull-ups
—If your max set of strict pull-ups is more than 5, then do the following —
5 x (Half of Max Reps), Rest 1-2 Minutes between sets
*So if your PR Strict Pull-up is 10, perform 5×5.
3 x 8 Single Arm DB Rows, each arm (AHAP), Rest 1:00 between sets
3 x
1:00 Pull-up Bar Hang
:40 Hollow Hold
— If your max set of strict pull-ups is 5 or less, then do the following —–
4 sets of :30 Dead Hang, Rest 1:00
4 x 3-5 Band Assisted 1 ½ Pull-ups
*Pull Chin Over bar, lower half way down and then pull chin back over bar for one rep. Use band that allows you to get 3-5 reps unbroken.
40 Banded Lat Pulldown

For time:
15/10 Calorie Ski Erg
30 Devils Press @ 2×50/35
45/30 Calorie Row


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