Wednesday | July 19th, 2023

Every 1:30 x 10 (15:00)
ODD: 4 Deadlifts
EVEN: 6 Bench Press
– Perform both at a Tempo of 21×1
– Tempo is read 2 seconds down, 1 second pause, explode up, 1 second pause
– Start at ~ 60% of 1RMs and work to RPE 8.5 on both (1-2 reps left in tank). Ideally heavier than two weeks ago, if you were here.

For time:
800m Run
80 Double Unders
80 Push-ups
400m Run
40 Double Unders
40 Push-ups
200m Run
20 Double Unders
20 Push-ups
*20 Minute Cap
7 rounds of:
200m Run
20 Double Unders
20 Push-ups
*20 Minute Cap
AMRAP 20 of:
100m Run
10 Double Unders (or 20 Single Unders)
10 Push-ups


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