Thursday | July 20th, 2023

Bar Muscle-up:
2 x
10 Banded Pullover from Hollow Hold ( )
:20 Superman Hold
10 x
Kip Swings
EMOM 10 of:
3 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
EMOM 10 of:
1-3 Bar Muscle-ups
Coaches Choice of Skill/Strength

Every 3 Minutes for 5 rounds:
24 Wallballs
12 Pull-ups
12/9 Calorie Machine of Choice
Every 3 Minutes for 5 rounds:
5 Pull-ups
15 Wallballs
5 Pull-ups
10/8 Calorie Machine of Choice
Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:
10 Ring Rows
15 Goblet Squats
10/8 Calorie Machine of Choice


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