Tuesday | May 23rd, 2023

At 0:00
EMOM 20 of:
Min 1: 4 Power Cleans
Min 2: 8 Box Jumps
Min 2: 12 Strict Pull-ups
Min 3: Rest
*Power Cleans:
– Build to Heavy 4, avoiding failure. Reps should be singles, and need to be completed within the minute (ideally by the :40 mark)
**Box Jumps:
– RX+ @ 36/30, RX @ 30/24
***Strict Pull-ups:
– Everyone perform 12 UNBROKEN. Use a band to allow 12 unbroken strict reps. The volume is important here, don’t avoid the band to perform shitty, broken reps.

At 25:00
EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: 15/10 Calorie Row (:40 Cap)
Min 2: 30-60 Double Unders
Min 3: :20-:40 Hang From Pull-up Bar


At 0:00
EMOM 20 of:
Min 1: 4 Hang Power Clean (from knee)
Min 2: 8 Box Jumps
Min 3: 12 Seated Pull-up or Aussie Rows
Min 4: Rest
*Hang Power Cleans:
-Focus on Positions and technique. May add weight if you feel good, but maxing out is not the number one goal
**Box Jumps
-Choose height that challenges you, but allows you to complete the movement confidently

At 25:00
EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: :40 Row
Min 2: :40 Single Unders
Min 3: :20-:40 Hang From Pull-up Bar


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