Tuesday | December 13th, 2022

EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: :30 Hang From Pull-up Bar
Min 2: 10-8-6-4-2 Hang Power Snatch* (Building)
Min 3: Rest
*The Power Snatch does not need to start at the beginning of the minute, but must be completed within the minute
**Score is the total weight over the 5 sets. Sets must be unbroken to count.

30-20-10 of:
KB Swings @ 70/53
*7 Minute Cap

———Foundations Athletes———

EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: :30 Hang From Pull-up Bar
Min 2: 6 Hang Power Snatch (Light – Technique Focus)
Min 3: Rest

30-20-10 of:
Russian KB Swings
*7 Minute Cap


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