Thursday | October 21st, 2021

– On Saturday, October 30th, we will be having an IN HOUSE COMPETITION. It will be called the MONSTER MASH! It will be Teams of 2 (same sex pairs), and teams are encouraged to dress up! There will be 3 events. It does not cost anything to sign up, and we will be having a little party afterwards as well! No pressure and Tons of FUN!!!

-Leading up to the Competition, we will be having a little spirit week at the gym! Here are the themes:
-MONDAY: TEAM DAY: Rock your favorite sports team. It can be real (ex: NY Yankees), or fictional (Gryffindor Quidditch FTW!)
-TIE DYE TUESDAY: Let’s add a splash of color to our lives!
-ON WEDNESDAY WE WEAR PINK!: Wear Pink. Not only because it’s super cool, but because we will also be raising awareness AND MONEY for the Battle Against Breast Cancer.
-THROWBACK THURSDAY: Rock some old school workout gear! Sweat Bands Galore!
-FLEX FRIDAY: Tank Tops! Max Bench Press! Lets Get SWOLEEEEEE!!!!!

Kipping HSPU review

For time:
1k Row
50 Front Squat @ 135/95
30 Strict HSPU
For time:
1k Row
50 Front Squat @ 95/65
30 Kipping HSPU
For time:
1k Row
5 x
10 Front Squats
6 HSPUs (may scale to push press or pike on box)
*15 Minute Cap for all options*

100 Abmat Sit-ups


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