– On Saturday, October 30th, we will be having an IN HOUSE COMPETITION. It will be called the MONSTER MASH! It will be Teams of 2 (same sex pairs), and teams are encouraged to dress up! There will be 3 events. It does not cost anything to sign up, and we will be having a little party afterwards as well! No pressure and Tons of FUN!!!
-Leading up to the Competition, we will be having a little spirit week at the gym! Here are the themes:
-MONDAY: TEAM DAY: Rock your favorite sports team. It can be real (ex: NY Yankees), or fictional (Gryffindor Quidditch FTW!)
-TIE DYE TUESDAY: Let’s add a splash of color to our lives!
-ON WEDNESDAY WE WEAR PINK!: Wear Pink. Not only because it’s super cool, but because we will also be raising awareness AND MONEY for the Battle Against Breast Cancer.
-THROWBACK THURSDAY: Rock some old school workout gear! Sweat Bands Galore!
-FLEX FRIDAY: Tank Tops! Max Bench Press! Lets Get SWOLEEEEEE!!!!!
AMRAP 30 of:
20-40-60-… Calorie Row
20-40-60-… Wallballs
20-40-60-… Weighted Step-ups (w/ one DB)
200m Run Together
*The reps will continue to grow by 20 every round. The work for this movements will be shared. The run is the only movement that will be done together, and that will remain at 200m every round.
Clean Pull + Hang Clean (at knee) + Clean + Jerk
1 sets @ 70%, 1 set @ 75%, 1 set @ 80%, 3 sets @ 85%
Clean Pull to Hold (Pause 1” off floor for 3 seconds)
90%x3, 95%x3, 2×3@100%
65%x5, 70%x4, 75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x1, 95%x1
THE PUMP @ 11am
-8 x 2 @ 5-10# heavier than last week (we will test in class next Friday)
3-5 x
10 DB Bench Press
10-15 Push-ups
10 Bentover KB Rows
10-15 Supinated Ring Rows
2 x
:30 V-ups
:30 Bicycle Kicks
Rest :30
:30 Wrist to Knee Crunch
:30 Side to Side Heel Touch Crunch
Rest :30
*After the final rest of the second round, 2:00 low plank