Monday | April 10th, 2023

2 Pause Front Squat + 4 Pause Back Squat
*Pause for 1 second in the bottom of each rep
*No Rest between Front and Back Squat. Rack Bar and immediately put on back.
*Build to RPE 8.5 for Front Squat (1-2 reps left in tank) (This is ideally heavier than last week)
2 x (2+4) @ 90% of today’s lift

EMOM 20 of:
Min 1: 15/10 Calorie Echo Bike
Min 2: 100’ Sandbag Carry
Min 3: 15 Jump Squats
Min 4: :30 Wall Sit


6 Pause Back Squats
*Pause for 1 second in the bottom of each rep
*Build to RPE 8.5 (1-2 reps in tank) (If you were here, this is ideally heavier than last week)

EMOM 20 of:
Min 1: :40 Echo Bike
Min 2: 100’ Sandbag Carry
Min 3: 15 Jump Squats
Min 4: :30 Wall Sit


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