Wednesday | September 27th, 2023

Strict Pull-ups
EMOM 10 of:
Min 1-5: 3 Weighted Strict Pull-ups
Min 5-10: 5:00 AMRAP of Strict Pull-ups @ BW
EMOM 10 of:
Min 1-5: 3 Strict Pull-ups (May add Band)
Min 6-10: 10-15 Seated Pull-ups

For Total Reps:
AMRAP 6 of:
800m Run
Max Cleans @ 135/95 w/ remaining time (RX+ = 150/100 Sandbag)
-REST 1:00-
AMRAP 6 of:
800m Run
Max Box Jumps @ 24/20 w/ remaining time (RX+ = 30/24)
-REST 1:00-
AMRAP 6 of:
800m Run
Max Farmers Carry @ 70/53 w/ remaining time (in 25’ increments)
-REST 1:00-
AMRAP 6 of:
800m Run
Max Calorie Bike
-Athletes will start on different stations so that equipment may be shared.
-For Run use a distance that takes no more than 4:00. You may even run 2:00 out and 2:00 back.


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