Wednesday | June 28th, 2023

5 x
8 Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squat, each side
12 Tripod Row, each side
– Perform both at a Tempo of 21×1
– Tempo is read 2 seconds down, 1 second pause, explode up, 1 second pause
– Work to RPE 8.5 on both (1-2 reps left in tank)

Every 5 Minutes for 5 rounds:
400m Run
30 Wallballs @ 20/14
20 T2B
Every 5 Minutes for 5 rounds:
400m Run
20 Wallballs @ 20/14
10 T2B


Same as above

Every 5 Minutes for 5 rounds:
300m Run (or 2:00 Run)
20 Wallballs (or Medball Thruster)
10 Weighted Sit-ups w/ Medball


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