E2MOM x 5 of:
3 Weighted Strict Pull-ups + 6 Strict Pull-ups
– Choose weight for Strict Pull-ups. May build, but also must remain Unbroken.
– Hold Dumbbell between your legs, and let it drop after completing the 3 reps, so that you do not come off the bar.
EMOM 10 of:
3-5 Strict Pull-ups
EMOM 10 of:
3-5 Seated Pull-ups ( )
AMRAP 20 of:
200m Run
10 T2B
5 Deadlift @ 275/185
AMRAP 20 of:
200m Run
5 T2B
5 Deadlift @ 245/165
5 T2B
AMRAP 20 of:
100m Run
10 Half Burpees
10 Dual KB/DB Deadlift