5 x Max UB Strict Pull-ups, Rest 2:00 between
1 x Max UB Strict Pull-ups (its ok if this is zero)
4 x Max UB Banded Strict Pull-ups, Rest 2:00 between
*Choose band that allows 10-15 reps per set
5 x Max UB Ring Rows, Rest 2:00 between
*Set feet to allow 10-15 reps per set
For Time:
800m Run
4-8-12-16-12-8-4 of:
DB Cleans @ 2×50/35
800m Run
For Time:
800m Run
8 x
8 T2B
8 DB Cleans @ 2×50/35
800m Run
For Time:
800m Run (or 2k Bike)
8 x
8 Half Burpees w/ Hands on DBs
8 DB Cleans
800m Run (or 2k Bike)
-20 minute Cap
-RX is the same volume as RX+, just partitioned in more manageable chunks