Front Squat – Week 7/9
Work to a Heavy Triple
3 x 6 @ 90% of Heavy Triple
– Ideally we are avoiding failure here (RPE 9.5).
– For guidance, the triple at the very least should be heavier than your 5×3 from last week. Also, next week we will be moving to a double, and then a single the week after that.
– No Rest prescription for this week’s squats. Rest as needed to maximize potential.
– Athletes with compromised Front Racks may Back Squat
AMRAP 15 of:
100m Run
10 DB Lunge Steps @ 2×50/35 (DBs on shoulders)
1-2-3-4-…. Wall Walks
AMRAP 15 of:
100m Run
10 DB Lunge Steps
10 DB Push Press