Check your email inbox regarding setting up a complimentary Goal Review Session – subject titled: What’s Your Next Goal at CrossFit Queens? We want to not only provide a fun atmosphere for your fitness, but also help you continue your progress and gains at CrossFit Queens. If you didn’t get the email, reach out to Coach Kev directly ( for more information!
Strict Pull-up:
At 0:00
EMOM 10 of:
3 Strict Pull-ups
*May scale up to weighted, or scale down to banded/seated pull-up
At 12:00 (For all levels)
Max Hang from Pull-up Bar
For time:
1K Row
100 DB Snatch @ 50/35
100 Burpees
-16 Minute Cap
-This may end up being an AMRAP of burpees for many, and that is ok.
-FITNESS athletes can do KB Swings instead of DB Snatch.
Accumulate 50 Ring Rows