E2MOM x 5
12-15 Pull-ups
**Start every set of pull-ups with a Max UB set of STRICT and then complete the set with KIPPING C2B without coming off the bar
E2MOM x 5 of:
6-9 Pull-ups
**Start every set of pull-ups with a Max UB set of STRICT and then complete the set with KIPPING without coming off the bar
EMOM 10 of:
1-3 Strict Pull-ups (May Scale to Band)
AMRAP 10 of:
50 Double Unders
10/8 Calorie Machine
15 Hang Power Clean @ 95/65 (Rx+ = 135/95)
3-5 x
8-10 Tripod Single Arm DB Row @ Tempo 30×1, each arm