Strict Pull-ups
E2MOM x 5 of:
4 Weighted Strict Pull-ups
EMOM 10 of:
3 Strict Pull-ups
*May use band
-This is the same as two weeks ago by design. Only difference is advanced athletes have one less rep (try to go heavier)
At 0:00
EMOM 10 of:
ODD: 10 T2B (RX+ = 15)
EVEN: 5 Devils Press @ 2×50/35
At 10:00
For time:
800m Run
50 Burpees
At 0:00
EMOM 10 of:
ODD: 10-15 Hanging Knee Raise
EVEN: 10-15 KB Swings
At 10:00
For time:
800m Run (or 1k Row)
50 Burpees
-10 Minute cap on Part B