Tuesday | February 14th, 2023

Please be sure to sign into classes. If you are unable to get into a class, do not assume that it is OK to join anyway. Class caps are in place to create an enjoyable and safe experience for those who are participating in the class. Always speak with the coach if you are trying join an already full class. However, keep in mind that they may not be able to accommodate you.


At 0:00
EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: 10 Deadlifts @ about 40-50% of max
Min 2: 10 Box Jump Overs
Min 3: 5-10 HSPUs

At 20:00
EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: 12 Hang Power Cleans
Min 2: 30-60 Double Unders
Min 3: 12 Push Press


At 0:00
EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: 10 Deadlifts (Technique focus)
Min 2: 10 Box Jump Overs
Min 3: 10 Push-ups (May elevate hands)

At 20:00
EMOM 15 of:
Min 1: 12 DB Hang Power Cleans (With Dumbbells)
Min 2: 30-60 Single Unders
Min 3: 12 DB Push Press



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