Thursday | January 27th, 2022

EMOM 12 of:
1 Snatch

2 x
AMRAP 3 of:
400m Run or 500/450m Row
Max Double Unders w/ remaining time
AMRAP 3 of:
400m Run or 500/450m Row
Max Push-ups w/ remaining time
AMRAP 3 of:
400m Run or 500/450m Row
Max Sit-ups w/ remaining time

*There is no rest between AMRAPs. So, you will Run or Row every 3 minutes. You can even alternate if you wanted.
**Don’t over concern yourself with score here. Just keep moving for the 18 minutes.
***If you are concerned with not having time to complete anything but thr Run/Row, scale to 200m Run or 250/225m Row. Remember there is no score here, so who cares, set yourself up for success.

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