CrossFiiT Fest Event Sponsored by Prestige Labs Supplements | Saturday 11/16
We’re partnering with FlexFiiT and Prestige Labs to give gratitude to fitness! Come ready to workout, try some new supplements, and enjoy the morning with fitness and friends. Free for all members and more details to follow!
Friendsgiving Potluck Brunch | Sunday 11/17
Celebrate with us! Bring your favorite brunch dish to share. All classes will be moved up one hour. Come earlier and join our FREE nutritional seminar at 11:30 AM, sponsored by Eat Better Meals, to get that nutrition edge! Visit this LINK for more info on both events and to sign up!
November Schedule Updates
Mon 11/11, Veterans Day: (Chad – 90 minute classes)
5:30am, 7:30am, 12:00pm, 4:30pm, 6:30pm
Thanksgiving Week:
Wed 11/27: 5:30am, 6:30am, 11am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm
Thurs 11/28: 9:00am & 10:00am Community
Fri 11/29: 10:00am & 11:00am Community
Sat 11/30: Regular Schedule
By Coach Nic
—–In Pairs—–
E2MOM Until 6/5k is completed
Station 1: Max Distance Row
Station 2: 4 Sandbag Cleans + 8 Push Press + 12 Wallballs
*Athletes will alternate stations
*The triplet must be completed in the 2 minutes
*32 minute (16 interval) cap
*Subject to change
By Coach Kev
Tempo Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch (1+1)
*build to heavy without sacrificing tempo
8 Front Raises
8 Lateral Raises
8 Reverse Fly
*use the same weight for all three – rest as needed between sets to stay unbroken
1:00 Weighted Bear Plank
*perform unbroken or in as little sets as possible
THE PUMP @ 11am
EMOM 12 of:
ODD: 5 Bench Press (Building)
EVEN: 5 Chin-ups*
*may add weight or scale to band
4 x
AMRAP 2 of:
25 Empty Barbell Curls
Max Banded Tricep Exts w/ remaining time
Rest 1:00 Between AMRAPs
3 x
1:00 Sit-ups
1:00 Low Plank