Saturday | July 31st, 2021

COMMUNITY @ 8am and 9am
In Pairs:
AMRAP 20 of:
3 Front Squats each @ 135/95
3 Synchro BF Burpees
1 Synchro Wall Walk
6 Front Squats each
6 Synchro BF Burpees
2 Synchro Wall Walks

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Snatch
Power Snatch + Snatch
*Build in each one until you are no longer able and then move on to the next
Snatch Grip Push Press: 5×3

THE PUMP @ 11am
BENCH PRESS/ CHIN-UP (0:00 – 15:00)
5 x
5 Bench Press Building
5 Chin-ups Building
PUSH-UPS / SUPINATED BB ROWS (16:00 – 30:00)
5 x
10-15 Push-ups
10-15 Supinated BB Rows
EMOM ARM AND AB FINISHER (31:00 – 40:00)
EMOM 9 of:
Min 1: :40 Max Dips
Min 2: :40 Max BB Curls
Min 3: :40 Wrist to Knee Crunches


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