Saturday | January 20th, 2024

NOTE: From 12-2 today there will be bonus Open Floor time. Coach Jamie is opening the doors during his personal workout time for you to come in and get in any extra work that you desire. Come prepared with a plan, as this is not a scheduled coached class. Also, please be respectful of the gym and Coach Jamie. Be finished with your workout and CLEANED UP before 2pm.


By Coach Samm
—–Teams of 4—–
Buy in Two team members in Rower Two on Bike accumulate 100 total cals
160 box step overs
160 KB swings
160 burpees
160 toes to bar or knee raise
160 wall balls
Cash out do the opposite  machine you started with and accumulate 100 cals total
*Those not working will hold some sort of plank until it’s their turn to rep through movements.


By Coach Kevv
Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS
*3 second eccentric after Snatch Pull
*Work to technical max for the day
8 BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press
16 Weighted Glute Bridges
24 Russian Twists, each side


35% x 10
50% x 5
60% x 5
—–Working Sets—–
67.5% x 5, 72.5% x 3, 77.5% x 1
70% x 5, 75% x 3, 80% x 1
72.5% x 5, 77.5% x 3, 82.5% x 1
*Rest ~2:00 between sets
62.5% x 10
52.5% x 10
42.5% x 10
*Rest 1:00 between sets
3 x (2:00 on / 1:00 off)
20-30 BB Curls
Push-ups w/ remaining time
2 x
1:00 of Alt. Knee to Elbow while in Plank
1:00 of Wrist to Knee Crunches
1:00 Rest



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