EMOM 24 of:
Min 1-2: 1:40 Machine*
Min 3: Devils Swing Complex**
Min 4: Pull-ups***
*Machine Intensity: 40 RPE 6 + :30 RPE 7 + :20 RPE 8 + :10 RPE 9
**Devils Swing Complex (up to 5 swings):
***Pull-up Options:
Advanced: 3 Strict Pull-ups + 6 Kipping Pull-ups (C2B if possible)
Intermediate: 6 Pull-ups (as many strict before switching to Kipping)
Beginner: 3-6 Strict Banded Pull-ups (or 6-12 Ring Rows)
EMOM 5 of:
:20 Hanging L-sit or Knee Tuck