35% x 10
50% x 5
65% x 5
—–Working Sets—–
72.5% x 5, 77.5% x 3, 82.5% x 1
75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1
77.5% x 5, 82.5% x 3, 87.5% x 1
*Rest ~2:00 between sets
67.5% x 10
57.5% x 10
47.5% x 10
*Rest 1:00 between sets
3-5 x (NFT)
500m Bike
20 Box Step-ups (unweighted)
1 Submax Set of Push-ups*
:20 Hollow Hold
– For Submax Push-ups, perform reps until its difficult to achieve full ROM. No resting mid set in a plank or on the floor. Settle into a contolled cadence and go until you cant.
-Elevate hands to allow at least 10 solid push-up reps per round