Friday | August 18th, 2023

HS Walks

At 0:00
AMRAP 8 of:
1-2-3-4-… Power Clean and Jerk @ 155/105 (RX+ @ 185/125)
2-4-6-8-… Box Jump @ 24/20 (RX+ @ 30/24)
At 12:00
AMRAP 8 of:
8 DB Box Step-overs @ 50/35
1-2-3-4-… Wall Walks
At 0:00
AMRAP 8 of:
2-4–6-8-… Hang DB Clean and Press
2-4-6-8-… Box Jump
At 12:00
AMRAP 8 of:
8 DB Box Step-overs @ same weight used for DB C&J
2-4-6-8-…. Inch Worms w/ Push-up
-If an athlete does not feel comfortable jumping on a box, they may perform half burpees w/ hands on the DBs instead.


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