Monday | February 8th, 2021
WARM-UP: 2:00 Easy Machine 2 x 15 Lateral Band Steps, each direction 10 Band Pull Aparts 2 x 10 Cossack Squats 5/5 Single Arm Ring
Sunday | February 7th, 2021
SUPER SUNDAY W/ THE REAL MVP, COACH JAMIE! WARM-UP: 3 x 10 Jump Squats 10 Bird Dogs 10 Scorpions BARBELL WARM-UP: 3 x 3 Muscle
Saturday | February 6th, 2021
WARM-UP: 2 x :30 Machine 3 Inch Worms 10 Spiderman Lunges 2 x 10 Plank Up – Downs 5 Half Burpees 10 Air Squats STRENGTH:
Friday | February 5th, 2021
WARM-UP: 400m Easy Run 2 x 15 Lateral Band Steps, each direction 10 Banded Good Mornings 2 x 5/5 KB Windmill 5/5 Single Leg Vertical
Thursday | February 4th, 2021
WARM-UP: 8 x :20 Easy Machine :10 Hard Machine 2x 5 Cat Cows 10 Alternating Bird Dogs 2 x :30 Single Arm OH Hold, each
Wednesday | February 3rd, 2021
WARM-UP: 400m Run 20 Iron Cross 20 Glute Bridge 4 x 5 Tempo Goblet Squats @ 5551 5 Vertical Jumps to 1/4 Squat Landing STRENGTH:
Tuesday | February 2nd, 2021
WARM-UP: 400m Easy Run 10 Up Dog – Down Dog 4 x 10 Russian Swings 5 Pike Push-ups (feet on floor) SKILL: HSPU: Level 1:
Monday | February 1st, 2021
WARM-UP: 2 x :30 Machine 5 Half Burpees 10 Block and Twist 2 x 5/5 KB Windmills 10 Cossack Squats 5/5 Single Arm Ring Rows
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