Wednesday | December 16th, 2020
WARM-UP: 400m Easy Run 20 Iron Cross 20 Alternating Single Leg Glute Bridges 3 x 5 Bootstrap Squats 10 Air Squats (Narrow stance every set)
Tuesday | December 15th, 2020
WARM-UP: 2 x 1:00 Machine 5 Inch Worms 10 Spiderman Lunges 5 Half Burpees 2 x 10 Jumping Lunges 5 Split Press w/ empty Barbell
Monday | December 14th, 2020
WARM-UP: 3 x :30 Machine :30 Squat Hold :15 Hang 3 x 10 Cossack Squats 5 Scap Pull-ups + 5 Kip Swings 5/5 KB Windmills
Sunday | December 13th, 2020
SUNDAY FUNDAY COACH JAMIE WARM-UP: 3 x 10 Spiderman Lunges 10 Scorpions 10 Cat Cow BARBELL WARM-UP: Contact Drill -then- 2 x 3 Snatch Pulls
Saturday | December 12th, 2020
WARM-UP: 400m Easy Run 20 Iron Cross 20 Glute Bridge 2 x 10 Mountain Climbers 5 Half Burpees 10 Jumping Lunges STRENGTH: 3 x 12
Friday | December 11th, 2020
WARM-UP: 2 x 10 Scorpions 10 Prone Angels 2 x 10 Scap Push-ups 10 Scap Pull-ups 10 Air squats STRENGTH: 5 x 5 Bench Press
Thursday | December 10th, 2020
WARM-UP: 20 Iron Cross 20 Scorpions 3 x :30 Machine 5/5 Plate Windmills 10 Cossack squats STRENGTH: Snatch Balance + OHS 1 + 2 Building
Wednesday | December 9th, 2020
WARM-UP: 3:00 Machine 3 x 5 Half Burpees 10 Bootstrap Squats 15 Air Squats STRENGTH: Segment Clean + Clean + Front Squat (Building) *Pause at
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